Monday 11 November 2013

The Gaff Saddle.....

So, not having much time this evening, what to do?

The leather covering the Gaff Saddle, Jib Traveller and Boom 'bit' were in a very dry state when we bought Charm last year and so, having done my research on the internet tried various things in an attempt to put some life back into our basically sound leatherwork items. 

This year, during the summer, I treated the gaff saddle with Ko-cao-line (once I'd got over the shock of it being a rich pinky red colour when I opened the tin) as used by horse lovers as I'd read that it fed leather, waterproofed it and didn't rot the stitching  (unlike the Neatsfoot Compound I'd previously been using). 

Tonight I've applied a generous amount in to the leatherwork items (more than I was able to when installed on the boat) and will now wait to see how it works over the next few weeks. To be honest, we'd decided to replace the leatherwork this year, so if I've used the wrong stuff and it all goes pear shaped then we haven't lost anything!

As with everything these days I guess I should caveat my blogs with the phrase that I'm telling you what products we're opting to use for information rather than out and out endorsement - it's up to you whether you use the same if you're refurbishing like us......

Pics below for interest.......... and signing off.... :-)

The Gaff Saddle, Boom 'bit' and Jib Traveller

The 'red' stuff .... told you it was a good colour! 

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