Sunday 2 February 2014

Long Time No Report ................

What a frustrating few weeks! Sorry I haven't updated my blog but there hasn't been much to tell as the weather here, like elsewhere in the UK, has been shocking! The endless storms have meant that we have had to take advantage of any weather windows we could to get down to the boat to do some sanding.  We were hoping to be much further forward at this stage!

Our deadline has been relieved a little though as we've talked with Sam Heard (the son of the original boatbuilder) and decided to replace the gunwhales next winter.

Still, that said, good news today was that we were sufficiently sheltered enough in our spot on the quay to get the first coat of varnish on the cockpit and cabin sides!  Now we're cooking!  :-).  The nice thing also was that when the sun shone there was actually some warmth in it.........

Link to Cockpit Refurbishment Page

At home yesterday I got the first coat of varnish on the locker covers so good weekend all round really!

Link to Locker Covers Page

To be continued.....   


  1. Here's my blog of work on Bright Eyes: Scrape, scrape, scrape, scrape,scrape..................... scrape, scrape (goes on for some time).

    1. That'll be antifoul preparation then ..... did notice the work going on when we drove by the other weekend .... glad to see you're being kept busy over the winter too!
