Sunday 22 December 2013

Weather Gets in the Way .....

Things have been quiet over the last couple of weekends as Christmas shopping and the weather has got in the way!

We've popped down to the boat to check her over a couple of times after some nasty weather fronts but pleased to say the winter cover has done it's job. We made a minor adjustment to it yesterday to extend the frame further over the stern as the tarpaulin was letting a bit of rain in, but apart from that all ok.

A few days off over Christmas so we're hoping to get some real progress made - weather and socialising permitting!

Sunday 1 December 2013

More Sanding........

This weekend, more work sanding the cockpit and starting to strip the cabin sides (link to Cockpit )

I've also managed to strip one of the locker covers at home so I can now see the potential of how nice they'll look when they're all done (link to Locker Covers.

We're both suffering from the effects of using flimsy disposable gloves that don't stand up to 60 grit sandpaper. Lots of handcream will be in use this evening to limit the damage!

One lesson learned last weekend of not wearing filtration masks resulted in us both having difficulty with our noses / sinuses during the week. However, this weekend we were sensible and bought some masks suitable for sanding dust that weren't too uncomfortable to wear for long periods - pleased to report that so far we're not feeling any ill effects like we were this time last weekend!